Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) are the key method of communicating chemical hazard information. However, the cost of creating and maintaining SDSs and other documentation has become a significant expense for chemical manufacturers, distributors, and importers. SDS management is also a significant focal point for regulators.

Unfortunately, there are many complaints about SDS content, ranging from missing or incomplete information, incorrect information. The rapidly evolving global chemical regulatory environment places a burden on the chemical manufacturer of staying current with regulations as well as hazards.

The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) was designed to make the globalization of hazard communication easier for the chemical user. It has but certainly not completely. GHS has complicated the creation and management of SDSs for the chemical manufacturer in many ways.

Lupin Systems provides the most technological advanced software for chemical management in Australia.

Lupin Chemical Management provides an extensive range of functionality to cost effectively create and manage chemicals in the workplace.