Are you still using an external resource to create your Safety Data Sheets?

One of the biggest challenges chemical manufacturers often face is the lengthy delays in creating and disseminating safety data sheets (SDSs). Briefing ...

The dangers of asbestos in residential homes for tradies

Asbestos-containing materials can be found in any Australian home built or renovated before 1990. Although asbestos was banned in Australia in 2003, ...

What to look for when choosing SDS Management Software

Selecting the right SDS management software is a critical decision for chemical manufacturing plants and other facilities handling hazardous materials. The right ...

Seven Reasons to Investigate Chemical Management Software

If you are still using a paper-based system to manage chemicals in the workplace, then you owe it to yourself to investigate ...

The most common breaches of regulations that must be avoided

Industry and regulatory authorities have identified the most common breaches of regulations in relation to asbestos in commercial or non-residential properties. By ...

Check out our new ‘How to’ Videos

Lupin has recently produced a series of instructional videos for both it’s software products Lupin Chemical Management and AuditPro Asbestos Management.   ...

What is the Most Effective type of Asbestos Register?

If you are the owner of a commercial building built before 2004 and there is evidence that asbestos is present in the ...

Asbestos laying dormant in more than 500 SA government schools and preschools

Asbestos is lying dormant in more than 500 government schools and preschools across South Australia, new data shows, as parliament considers a ...

How often do you Update or Revise Your SDSs?

Under Australian law, chemical suppliers need to periodically review, revise, and update their safety data sheets (SDSs). Changes are made as necessary ...