Why is it important to safely store hazardous chemicals? 

Even when not in use, hazardous chemicals can still pose a risk. Some can cause or contribute to a fire or explosion, ...

The Dangers of using paper Safety Data Sheets

Using paper safety data sheets (SDS) can pose several dangers and challenges, especially in today's digital age where alternatives like electronic SDS ...

How long does it take you to write an Asbestos Report?

It seems that there are still some consultants are still using paper forms and manually writing Asbestos Reports. The manual process involves: ...

Achieve SDS Compliance with Lupin Chemical Management

Staying compliant with Australian regulations regarding Safety Data Sheets (SDS) management involves adhering to a range of requirements outlined in Australian Work ...

How you can benefit from Asbestos Management Software

Asbestos survey software offers several key benefits for organisations involved in managing asbestos risks, ensuring compliance, and safeguarding health and safety. Here ...

Hilditch uses Lupin Chemical Management to manage its SDS’s.

In 2019 a leading Melbourne based chemical business, Hilditch Pty Ltd implemented Lupin Chemical Management to manage its SDS’s. Hilditch is predominantly ...

High number of commercial buildings in Australia still contain Asbestos

As of the most recent data, it is estimated that a significant portion of Australia's existing commercial buildings still contain asbestos, particularly ...

Come and see us at the 2024 AIOH Conference

Lupin Systems will be exhibiting at the upcoming AIOH conference. The 41th AIOH Annual Scientific Conference & Exhibition, to be held at ...

The challenge with chemical management in Australian workplaces

Managing chemicals in Australian workplaces involves several challenges, primarily centred around ensuring safety, compliance with regulations, and minimizing environmental impact. Some key ...