The Complete Chemical Management Solution
Lupin Chemical Management is a valuable, time-saving tool to quickly and accurately create GHS compliant Safety Data Sheet (SDS), product labels and other documentation. It also allows you to effectively manage your organisation’s library of safety data sheets. In addition, it provides chemical stores management and a whole range of management reports.Lupin Chemical Management puts you in total control of all chemicals in your workplace and gives you the peace of mind that you are 100% compliant.
Create Compliant SDSs in Minutes
Cut the cost of creating, maintaining and accessing regulatory documentation. Create regulatory compliant SDSs and product labels with minimal data entry and intuitive screens to guide you through the process. It ensures that all your SDSs, Product Labels and other documentation are compliant and instantaneously accessible.
Simply Manage Dangerous Good Stores
Each store is allocated the maximum amount of Dangerous Goods by Class or Division it is allowed to hold. As new stock is received site administrators are automatically notified when the maximum stock level is exceeded.

Web based Application
No additional IT costs
Access data anytime, anywhere on multiple devices

100% Compliance
No Infrastructure Costs
Web-based solutions so there are no IT infrastructure costs. no software, no hardware you can be up and running instant
Be prepared for a WorkSafe Audit
A WorkSafe inspector could arrive at your premises unannounced at anytime to conduct an audit. So, it’s vital that you maintain accurate and compliant documentation. Non-compliant or expired SDS’s, incomplete or inaccurate documentation could cost you thousands of dollars in fines.
When you invest in Lupin Chemical Management you will…
Proven Solution
Lupin Chemical Management Software enables you to effectively manage all data and documentation for the management of Dangerous Goods, Hazardous Substances and Scheduled Poisons and ensure that all documentation is compliant with statutory regulations.