In 2020 Lupin launched its AuditPro Program, however COVID interrupted things and it had to shelve the program during the pandemic. Lupin used the time during the pandemic to complete a major upgrade to its software. It is now relaunching the program AuditPRO Rewards. It is designed to make Asbestos auditors significantly more efficient and more profitable and earn additional income and other benefits at the same time.

Join AuditPro Rewards- it costs nothing.

Whether you work for yourself or a company as an AuditPro Auditor you don’t change the way you do business. You still control the relationship with your clients. The only difference is that you will be using the very best software and when you on-sell the  Asbestos Register component to your clients you receive attractive rebates plus a whole lot of other benefits.

Earn Additional Revenue from your Audits.

The AuditPro Affiliate Program provides lucrative rebates for Asbestos Auditors and Consultants to use our industry-leading software and on-sell to your clients. It gives you a new revenue stream.

Use the very latest Asbestos Auditing Technology

Lupin Asbestos Management System is a sophisticated technology solution that includes

access to AuditPro Apps that feature the very latest in Asbestos auditing technology. Intuitive screens with minimal data entry capture and mark up photos, upload site plans, work orders all designed to significantly reduce the time taken to conduct audits. The Apps can be used online, offline anywhere. They allow auditors to conduct audits in remote locations where there is no connectivity and when the device is back within internet range the audit data will be automatically updated on the auditors (or end users) register.

Significantly reduce Audit times

Lupin Asbestos Management will significantly cut the time taken to conduct audits with intuitive screens, photo upload with annotation, QR codes, colour coding. Some Auditors have claimed it has cut Audit times by 50%.

Receive New Business leads

Lupin Systems will embark on a national advertising campaign in both press and digital where sales leads will be distributed to AuditPro Affiliates based on location, size and suitability.

Other Business Benefits

Lupin Systems will also provide a range of support services to Affiliates. These include, assistance with sales bids, software training and a number of other incentives and promotions.