Would your Safety Data Sheets survive a WorkSafe Audit?

Unfortunately, some SDSs that are issued today are often lacking key information or are simply incorrect. This may be due to a lack of time, a lack of resources or a lack of training.

This exposes company directors and senior managers to significant risk.

Under Australia’s strict workplace health and safety laws, where breaches of regulations that result in death, company directors face the potential of being charged under criminal law with industrial manslaughter. This would include under classifying chemicals that caused a serious incident.

Not only that, under classifying chemicals puts consumers, employees, workers, transporters in danger of injuries or fatalities in the event of a chemical release, spill or exposure. This could lead to WorkSafe fines and penalties for health and environmental exposure due to having incorrect information communicated on a misclassified chemical or product.

While under classification can be dangerous, over classification has a detrimental effect on a company’s profitability. For example, lost markets, lost sales, excessive compliance and protective equipment and shipping costs.

So, it vitally important that you get it right.

Take advantage of Lupin’s FREE SDS health check to make sure you are not at risk. Call Kristy Titus 0460 775 591