Industry and regulatory authorities have identified the most common breaches of regulations in relation to asbestos in commercial or non-residential properties. By managing asbestos in accordance with regulations and utilising the information, templates and fact sheets available, the following examples of incidents and breaches can be avoided.Common breaches of regulations include when persons in control of a building or workplaces fail to ensure:

  1. Asbestos Registers and AMPs are accurate, up to date, maintained and available to workers;
  2. Suspected or assumed materials are treated as asbestos until proven otherwise;
  3. Site specific Asbestos Removal Control Plans (ARCP) and Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) or Safety Management Plans (SMP) are developed and implemented;
  4. Workers are provided with appropriate training, communication and consultation in relation to the presence of asbestos and ACM;
  5. Accurate information in relation to the presence of asbestos is provided to the PCBU, workers and contractors;
  6. A nominated supervisor is onsite or readily available (within 20 mins of the site);
  7. Adequate asbestos removal controls (no water available, no plastic on the ground below removal area, removal zones not delineated, inadequate signage, inadequate encapsulation, wrapping etc.) are in place;
  8. PPE controls (not clean shaven, respirators being worn outside coveralls, noncompliant type of coveralls, shoe laces with boots/shoes etc.) are adhered to;
  9. Decontamination areas are provided and adequately designed for the purpose;
  10. That no water blasting of asbestos roofs or facades with high pressure cleaning occurs;
  11. Excessive breakage of asbestos during removal is prevented;
  12. That those who remove asbestos are adequately licenced to .
  13. That clearance inspections are undertaken prior to and following demolition;
  14. Those who undertake clearance inspections are suitably qualified (Class A or B Licence depending on if friable or non-friable); and
  15. Asbestos waste is not dumped or disposed of in general landfill but disposed of according to regulations

WARNING: Significant penalties apply if asbestos is not managed in accordance with government regulations.

Extract from Asbestos Management Handbook – for commencial and non-residential properties produced by To download the full handbook click this link.